Well, after months of silence, I decided to continue writing and motivate myself more into it. In these previous mounths, I've been most of the time busy with final projects, graduation stuff, graduation itself, applications, interviews and deciding between possible choices.

Finally, I decided to continue my studies for a masters degree, and on industrial engineering. For me, the main question was not what to study, instead where to study it. I was in between staying in Turkey or to go in France. In the end, I decided to stay in Turkey for at least 2 years.
About writing, I know that keeping a blog updated would be something that I would be proud of myself. The main advantage would be orginazing my thoughts. It's been always good for me to summarize the information that I got from various sources into simple words and it helps me a lot for memorizing.
I was going to restart blogging many moths ago( why did I stop in the first place!) but there was always something that prevented me from doing it./this is another way to say I'm lazy/
I realised that there will always be something that occupies my mind but time is something you make.

And I also decided not to push myself into writing for a while, and write only if I have something to write.
I finish this post by a quote of Al Hirschfeld:
"Everybody is creative, and everybody is talented. I just don't think everybody is disciplined."
I'll need discipline for this blog. Hope I will manage to maintain it. Cheers to non-stop blogging!